
The Air Times
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    a. SIDE BY SIDE. This is for the rider who jumps the most train engines, locomotives or cars parked side by side.

Current record holder: Lawrence Legend, 3 engines.

    b. LENGTHWISE. This is for the rider who jumps the most stationary train cars lengthwise.

Current record holder:

    c. DIAGONAL JUMP OVER MOVING TRAIN. This is for the rider who jumps the farthest over a train diagonally, where neither the actual launch ramp nor the landing ramp is destroyed by the train.

Current record holder: Robbie Knievel.

    d. HEAD-ON JUMP OVER MOVING TRAIN. This is for the rider who jumps a train with the most train cars that is coming approximately head on which destroys the actual launch ramp.

Current record holder: Johnny Airtime, 3 car train.

    e. HEAD-ON JUMP OVER MOVING TRAIN TOWING A MOVING LANDING RAMP. This is for the rider who jumps the most train cars head-on and lands on a ramp the train tows behind it.

Current record holder: Your name here

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