
The Air Times
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Roger Wells Stunts in Features and Music Videos

America's Sweethearts (Gary Combs)

Beverly Hills Cop III (Rick Avery)

Con Air (Ken Bates)

Dark Angel (Gil Combs)

Destiny Turns On The Radio (Webster Whinery)

Encino Man (Gil Combs)

Face Off (Brian Smrz)

Fire Down Below (Bob Brown)

Greyhounds (Gary Combs)

Guinness World Records: Primetime (Roger Wells)

Gun Down (Allan Graf)

Gunslinger (Kurt Bryant)

High Incident (Tim Davison)

Jurassic Park: The Lost World (Gary Hymes)

Lady In Waiting (Gary Littlejohn)

Live! The World's Greatest Stunts

The Munsters (Gil Combs)

Nasty Boys (Fred Waugh)

Nothing To Lose (Manny Perry)

One Week music video by BNL (Eddie Braun)

Pacific Blue (Gary Baxley)

Santa With Muscles (Chuck Zito)

The Stand (Dan Bradley)

Stormy Weathers (Gil Combs)

Steel (Jon Epstein & Jim Arnett)


Sunset Beat (Gary Hymes)

Super Dave's Vegas Spectacular (Ted Grossman)

To Be The Best (Red Horton)

The Ultimate Challenge (Ronnie Rondell)

Wanna Bet? (Roger Wells)

The Watcher (Johnny Cenatiempo)

Welcome to Jericho (Allan Graf)

Wolf Pack (Al Wyatt)

The World's Greatest Stunts III

X Files (Danny Weselis)


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