18 Wheelers, Lorries

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18 WHEELERS. Standard 18 wheelers are not less than 7 feet 6 inches wide. Standard length is approximately 55 feet to 68 feet with the tractor and trailer combined. In England, 18 wheelers or their tractors are called Lorries.

    a. SIDE BY SIDE. This record is for the greatest number of 18 wheelers (parked side by side) jumped by a motorcycle. They can be tractors without the trailers, since it doesn't matter if the trailers are attached for this jump. The jumper must clear all the tractors.

Current record holder: Jason Rennie, 21 trucks.

    b. LENGTHWISE. This record is for the greatest number of 18 wheelers parked end to end and jumped by a motorcycle. The jumper must clear all the 18 wheelers.

Current record holder: Jason Rennie, 3 18 wheelers.

Winged record holder: Bob Correll, 3 18 wheelers.

Riding double: Jason Rennie and Sian Phillips, 5 lorries.

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